What are the Foods to Avoid With Braces?

Trying out braces for the first time? While you’re already on your way to a better smile, the process does require making a few dietary and culinary sacrifices along the way. Here are a few of the most common foods to avoid with braces.

3 Top Foods to Avoid with Braces

Candy and sticky substances need to be avoided. Things like gum, fruit chews, carmels, and chocolate should be skipped whenever possible. High sugar beverages like smoothies, sodas, and juices are also not a good idea.

Crunchy foods like popcorn, pretzels, nuts, corn chips, and hard crackers are also on the do not eat list when you have braces.

You’ll also want to avoid eating hard foods with your front teeth while you’re wearing braces. For example, items like taco shells, raw vegetables, and croutons should be broken into smaller pieces before you take a bite.

Foods to Avoid Right Away (But Can Be Reintroduced Later)

Of course, there are certain foods that you’ll want to avoid right after you get braces, but can reintroduce them later as your teeth become more accustomed to the change. Ice cream, thick breads, spicy foods, and citrus products can all cause sensitivity and irritation, which is why you want to skip them if you can for those first few weeks. Also, keep sugar consumption to a minimum until you’ve learned how to adequately clean beneath the wires. This will help keep cavities from forming.

Wrap Up: Foods to Not Eat When Wearing Braces

When deciding which foods to avoid with braces, keep in mind that it is just important to ensure you’re not eating anything too hard or sugary along the way. As you become more accustomed to chewing with these new additions to your mouth, it can become easier to decide on a personal level what works and what does not.

And, as always, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Lake Ridge Orthodontics for details. We would be more than happy to answer your questions about anything related to your overall dental health.

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