Simple Tips to Help You Maintain Your Invisalign Clear Aligners

Braces may make you feel self-conscious if you have crooked or are out of alignment. Nobody will be aware of you getting braces!

Invisalign is an orthodontic method that straightens teeth without needing metal braces. Invisalign braces are created to hide behind your teeth while nudging them into place. They are less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

Some individuals desire to whiten their teeth, but they believe the only choice is conventional metal braces. Invisalign is a successful orthodontic treatment option, regardless of whether you are a parent considering orthodontic treatment for your adolescent or an adult who has put off treatment for years. Invisalign transparent braces won’t harm your smile as you undergo treatment.

5 Tips To Take Care Of Invisalign Clear Aligner

  1. Brush Your Teeth Regularly

You should develop the practice of cleaning your Invisalign trays each morning and night while you are undergoing treatment, just like you would brush and floss your teeth every day. You should brush your teeth gently and use toothpaste to clean your aligners twice daily. Brush your aligner’s interior and exterior gently to eliminate dirt and bacteria that can harm your teeth or gums.

  1. Soak Your Braces With Invisalign Crystals.

Use Invisalign cleaning crystals to soak your trays daily to help with odor, bacterial growth, and stains. Put your aligners in the water after adding the crystals in the recommended amount. Only expose your Invisalign to the elements for as long as is required, please! You should brush, rinse, and replace your trays when the cleaning solution has had time to do its work, which often only takes around 15 minutes.

  1. Never Eat With Your Aligners.

Eating while wearing your Invisalign trays is not only inconvenient, but it could also be harmful. Hard food pressure or frequent chewing are not intended to be supported by the aligners. Additionally, food crumbs could find their way inside the aligners, where they would serve as a haven for bacteria and tooth rot. Before eating, always take out the trays and then rinse your mouth.

  1. Maintain Your Invisalign Trays in Their Case

Invisalign should always be in plain view. You run the danger of setting your aligners down in a place where they could be ruined or grow bacteria. Leave your aligners out, increasing the likelihood that you will lose them! Try to develop the habit of placing your Invisalign back in its case after eating or drinking.

  1. Avoid Heating Your Aligners to Clean Them

To get rid of the bacteria and germs in your aligners, it makes sense to use boiling water, but doing so will harm them. Even though the plastic trays are designed to be sturdy, if heated by boiling water or another source of heat, they may become brittle and alter their shape. Using boiling water is not advised while cleaning and rinsing your aligners.

Invisalign In Woodbridge

Invisalign is less challenging to use and more comfortable to wear than conventional braces; Invisalign aligners have typically been the preferred orthodontic treatment. Meet with your orthodontist in Woodbridge if you’re interested in learning more about teeth-straightening alternatives. To improve your outcomes, we can go over several tray maintenance techniques. 

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